Aslacton & Great Moulton Coronation Hall
The No 1 Community Space in South Norfolk
Coffee and Cake Mornings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 10.00 - 12.00
Upcoming Dates are:-
17 December 21 January 2025
**25 February Please note week change
for this month only due to maintenance**
Everyone is welcome and there is no charge - we simply ask for donations.
What's on at the Hall?
In addition to our regular events and monthly coffee & cake mornings we also present:-
Saturday 25 January Winter Quiz Night*
Friday 7 March Blood, Sweat & Fears* with Mary Newton
Friday 28 March Rock & Roll Supper Evening featuring SHANE
Saturday 12 April Spring Quiz Night
Saturday 10 May VE Day Event with Sarah Mai (details to be confirmed)
Friday 6 June Rock & Roll Supper Evening featuring SHANE
Saturday 12 July Summer Quiz Night
Friday 26 September Rock & Roll Supper Evening featuring SHANE
Saturday 25 October Autumn Quiz Night
*Tickets available from
Please state which event you require tickets for and how many. We will send you a payment link